
How we help

We ensure your compliance is done on time.

Fire Extinguishers

We test and replace your Fire Extinguishers. We do this for significantly cheaper than the wider market as we are already onsite for inspections. We also can audit your extinguishers and make recommendations about what you do and don’t need.

Compliance Schedule Audits

Work with you to confirm which of your buildings actually need Compliance Schedules and BWOFs. If we find buildings that no longer need a BWOF, or buildings that need a BWOF, we work with you and the council to get the amendments. Example: We worked with a major infrastructure provider across 120 of their sites, identifying 40 that didn’t need a BWOF, and working with them to get their compliance schedule removed.

Dangerous Goods Compliance

We offer location certification services for storage of Dangerous Goods.


We are New Zealand owned and operated business providing professional and efficient technical assistance to building owners nationwide.


Industry Insights

Advice and best practice of Building Compliance from our team.

Who needs a BWOF?

3rd March, 2021

Simply, if you own a building (other than a single residential building) that has a specified system then you need a BWOF. A specified system is a system in the building for the purpose of maintaining the safety of building occupants.


Common BWOF questions

3rd March, 2021

CoveKinloch solves your BWOF. We complete all the IQP inspections required to get your BWOF each year, and as your agent complete all the onerous paperwork, and deal with the council for you.