Do you need to have a scheme or run trials?

Your building may need to have an approved Fire Evacuation Scheme, If it does, you need to have a scheme that is kept up to date by doing evacuation trials every 6 months. We have FPANZ accredited Evacuation Specialists who can create high quality Fire Evacuation Schemes for your building and complete 6 monthly trials and training which is required to keep your Fire Evacuation Scheme current.

They work with you to ensure that your building stays compliant, all the reporting to FENZ happens as needed, and minimising the impact it has on your staff and or tenants.

Fire Evacuation Scheme Auckland NZ

You need an approved evacuation scheme if your building is used for one or more of the following:

  • The gathering of 100 or more persons for any purpose
  • Providing employment to 10 or more persons
  • Providing accommodation for 6 or more persons
  • Storing or processing of any hazardous substances exceeding specified thresholds
  • Early childcare facilities
  • Nursing, medical or geriatric care
  • Specialised care for persons with disabilities
  • Accommodation for persons under lawful detention

We are New Zealand owned and operated business providing professional and efficient technical assistance to building owners nationwide.


Industry Insights

Advice and best practice of Building Compliance from our team.

Who needs a BWOF?

3rd March, 2021

Simply, if you own a building (other than a single residential building) that has a specified system then you need a BWOF. A specified system is a system in the building for the purpose of maintaining the safety of building occupants.


Common BWOF questions

3rd March, 2021

CoveKinloch solves your BWOF. We complete all the IQP inspections required to get your BWOF each year, and as your agent complete all the onerous paperwork, and deal with the council for you.